How it works
Our programmes are built around three key areas:

Our engagement
We work with clients over an 18 month period because sharing information is not enough. Behavioural change takes time to embed and normalise – it doesn’t happen after a single workshop, or by reading a 200-page-door-stop strategy document. Through our variety of engagement types and coaching/support throughout, we help SLTs embed the commitments they make to one another.
If information changed behaviour then we would all be teetotal
millionaires with six packs.
James A. King
A typical programme
Planning with key stakeholders and detailed interviews with all SLT members to understand the business, its challenges and enable programme refinement.
Initiative Experience (24-36 hours)
We start programmes by taking the team away from their work environment and immersing them in an initiative-based challenge. We introduce elements of our model and, as well as deepening relationships and developing high-performing behaviours in the team, trust and effective collaboration is enhanced. The experience is sometimes adventurous and outdoor, but completely adaptable to reflect the abilities of those taking part and is all tailored to focus on the team’s specific requirements. Feedback and review are consistent throughout; discussions always bridge back to real world application and performance improvement in the business.

Initial Workshop (~3 days)
Run immediately after the Initiative Experience, this off-site workshop further explores behaviours and gaining strategic clarity and alignment on business objectives. Workshops are interactive sessions mixing theory with practical challenges and tabletop exercises to bring the concepts and models to life and, crucially, asking the ‘so what?’ in bridging back to the business strategy. We also introduce the adaptable execution methodology the team will work with through subsequent Quarterly Team Performance Reviews.
Quarterly Team Performance Reviews (1-2 days)
Off-site sessions provide time away from day-to-day issues to think strategically on the business and encourage cross-functional integration. As well as reinforcing their behavioural ways of working, teams review the strategic objectives and progress made, identifying the causes for success/failure and what actions are required. Alignment and clarity on actions for the next quarter is then gained, as well as any support required. These are typically one day every quarter and two days at year-end.

1-to-1 sessions interspersed between quarterly Team Performance Reviews enable individuals to discuss personal challenges they’re facing implementing the workshop concepts, actions and commitments. Tailored individual coaching packages, to work on other areas, are also available. All coaching is delivered by our experienced and qualified executive coach associates.
Our team works closely with clients throughout the programme in addition to the above, ensuring progress and accountability throughout.